perjantai 21. joulukuuta 2012

Concert Halls Wuxi and Dalian

Good morning to you all! I'm one early bird over here! The best thing about jet lag is that you can start posting your blog or organizing things or making lists about Christmas, or anything at all when you can't sleep. I thought this was the easiest recovery ever, since I managed to fall back to sleep on two previous nights after waking up around 3.30, but maybe I was wrong. I'm wide awake now, and have been about two hours already! So let's start!

I wanted to show you pictures from the Concert halls we played in China. Both of these venues are brand new. The first concert was in Wuxi and I was very exited to get there, since the hall has been designed by a Finnish architect agency, and my beautiful Goddaughter's father was involved with the project as a designer and a project leader. It's amazing I think! The world is so small, and he is so talented! The hall itself was huge, and we were just at aaw trying to comprehend what we saw. He once said to me that China is every western architect's wet dream at the moment, because they've got the money, they want the wau-effect, and they want it big. I can see that, both of these halls were just huge! But I must say it's not all about appearances, both of these halls were also excellent acoustically, a fact which always justifies almost everything. If it's a great hall with no sound whatsoever, what's it good to anybody, no matter how big or beautiful or peculiar it might look. A musicians point of view might vary while playing on stage but we were told the overall sound was good in the audience. It's always difficult to adjust to different halls when you only get to play there once or twice, but you just sit down and do your job as you always do, and the conductor takes care of the rest. Here we go, first is Wuxi:

                   Then comes Dalian. This I thought felt cold and looked like an airport really!

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