perjantai 1. maaliskuuta 2013


I promised to write about the photo exhibition we went the other day! I went with a dear, dear person close to my heart, who is an excellent photographer herself! The pictures were taken by one of the most promising young Finnish photographers today, Nelli Palomäki, and they're on display in Valokuvataiteen Museo in Kaapelitehdas, the Cable Factory.
The pictures are portraits of friends and unknown, really intensive and captivating moments in the lives of complete strangers to us. It's so fascinating. To create a story behind the eyes, try to guess wheter there's a tragedy or utmost happiness or anything in between. Eyes certainly are the mirror of our soul, no matter how big a cliché it may sound. Even the youngest children in these photos showed really strong emotions through their eyes. Some were defiant, some were really open and innocent, very pure somehow. I always thought portraits of older people are the most intreresting ones. You can see the life, the experience, wisdom, happiness, tiredness, everything we struggle with, the good and the bad, and truly it's the photographer itself who can reveal secrets to us, and in this case it worked with the youngest ones as well. And black&white pictures just add to the whole experience, they're so timeless. We enjoyed what we saw, I could've just staired at them forever!

Now it's Friday and I have a concert in the evening. My husband will come and listen which is so lovely! It's quite rare that we can attend each other's work since they're always in the evenings for the both of us, but this time it suits perfectly!
On my way back home I stopped by the cute new local Café here in Museokatu and enjoyed a lovely Marrakesh Mint Thé, mmm, heavenly!
Have a good start of the weekend my friends!!

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