perjantai 11. heinäkuuta 2014


Sweet friends, hellohello!
So nice to be back here again!
The beginning of the summer was filled with work and poor weather but now it's the perfect holidays, yay!
And I'm back in Berlin!!
Yes I am!
I don't know what's going to happen, I have a feeling this city will blow up on Sunday weather Germany wins the World Championship in football or not.. 
And there's Berlin Fashion Week going on too! Loads of sideshows and events! 

But first here's a few pics here and there:

Cable Factory, Avanti! and Porvoo, this was such a great week!

We had time to sit in cafés too...
The old tea house Helmi inspired us to take pictures like they used to!

Sannäs mansion

A moment before everybody departed, oh how wonderful the whole week was!

And now:

A Berlin mojito...oijoijoi!

I'll keep you posted!!

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