keskiviikko 12. kesäkuuta 2013


Hellohello, dear ones!

So it's day four of the long-waited summer holiday, and I'm finally starting to recover from a dreadful flu that hit me the moment the last concert was done. How ironic is that? Apparently this happens to me every now and then, last Christmas was the same thing! Talking about a good employee!
I've tried to take it easy, loads of sofa-time, napping and ice-cream to sooth the soar throat!
I didn't feel all that bad though because the temperature outside started going down almost the same time, +14 hardly makes up for the almost-30-degrees a week ago! Makes me wonder what's going on!
Anyway, managed to make a little bike-tour to the other side of Töölönlahti one of these days, to Café Piritta. It was good! Had a salmon-crayfish-salad with a glossy magazine and looked around trying to comprehend the long season was now done! I was feeling good about that, proud too! 

This is what summer on a plate looks like!

At the moment we're at our summer house! 
I'm so happy to be here!! Everything's ready for the hurry-free days ahead, we did the cleaning-up Yesterday with my Mother, and husband put the boat to the lake, and is looking so happy now! He's my ultimate fisherman, knows the tricks and the lake so well! I just have to keep the frying pan ready and we'll have a splendid dinner! Wohoo!

I've got some projects of my own too, took the sewing machine with me, and some painting will happen as well! There's a few stools that need a new look, a perfect job for me!

We'll enjoy the sauna tonight, thought of making a vihta too! 
I hope everythings fine with you all, I'll send loads of thoughts, where ever you are!!

On our way over here we made a stop at the Halme Bakery... Oh dear, do you think this is enough?! Too good to be true!!

2 kommenttia:

  1. Voih, meillä ei ole enää mökkiä. Jouduimme myymään sen viisi vuotta sitten, eikä ikävä hellitä lainkaan. Ei sinne päinkään... Teidän kesäparatiisin kuisti näyttää kyllä tosi kutsuvalta! Onneksi pääsen ihan kohta Lontooseen ja voin ajatella ei-mökkihenkisiä asioita. Erinomaisen hyvää lomaa, lepoa ja ihania teekupposia aamulla, päivällä ja illalla!


    1. Nina, voin vain kuvitella miltä se tuntuu, voih! Tämä paikka on rakas koko meidän perheelle, ollut olemassa jo ennen minua. Lähetän täältä valtavasti ajatuksia!!

      Mutta siis Lontoo odottaa, indeed! Haluan sitten kuulla miten matka meni! :)
      Täältä tullaan perässä, nauttikaa kovin! IHANAA matkaa!!

      <3 Eeva
