We had the last concert of the summer with the girls, and on top of it felt like the sweetest weather was there just for us!
A full house it was, beautiful wooden Seurantalo in Kokemäki, Western Finland, and we got to spend the night in an old farm with a sauna by the river, and a huge main building, a 100-year old villa.
It was as if we were thrown back in time: everything was original from wall papers to furniture, apple trees to the flagpole in the middle of the beautiful yard.
We could've been a part of an old Suomi-Filmi-movie!
We talked and talked, laughed, ate and slept good, I feel so blessed to be surrounded by these wonderful, dear girls, ladies, sisters! We fit together so well!
I strongly believe that friendship is one of the meanings of life!
Thank You my sweet, dear girls, I love you!!
Villa Hedberg!
Good morning!
It's brunch time!
We got to pick apples, ooh, it means an applepie for sweet husband!
I ordered this jumpsuit from Asos, can't think of anything more comfortable at the moment! I love it!
3/6 of our gang! Hugs, darlings!!
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