perjantai 10. toukokuuta 2013

Morning Mist!

I woke up early today and went for my power walk outside.
It was magical!
A thick fog had landed, I felt like I was in the middle of the Wuthering Heights! The air was humid and fresh, good to breathe.
Such a nice moment with myself and Coldplay from my playlist, ah!

Now off towards a long day, this was a perfect start!

Click this and stop for a while to enjoy! I'll see you soon!

4 kommenttia:

  1. Sumuinen aamu Heathcliffin seurassa... Huonomminkin voisi päivä alkaa!


  2. Sanos muuta! Oli ihana hetki ja mietin Kate Bushiakin! Ah ja voih! Ihania kevätpäiviä, Nina!
    <3 Eeva

  3. Samaa sinullekin, kevättä ja kukoistusta! Ja Heathcliff-hetkiä! :)

