lauantai 12. lokakuuta 2013

Out on the town!

It's always fun to mix business with pleasure, right?
Our work here takes place in the evening, so during the days there's time to check out what the city has to offer!
We've walked around a lot and today we went to a street market in La Recoleta. These ferias are a big thing on weekends here with tens of stalls full of colourful and fun things and friendly people!
We wandered through around and sat for coffee, tea and maté!

The influence of Paris is so evident! Maybe that's why it's so difficult to comprehend I'm in Argentina!

The market!

Here's what I found!
Two cute and fun small bags!
I found something else too but they're souvenirs so I can't reveal them... 

Now off to concentrate for the evening, see you later, dears!

2 kommenttia:

  1. Kiitos Eeva näistä 'matkakertomuksista', ihanaa lukea matkastanne monien kuvien kera. Hyvää mieltä ja energiaa lavalle, nauttikaa ja voikaa hyvin!
    P.S. Ihania ostoksia!
    Terkuin, Kristiina P.

    1. Kiitos Kristiina!! Ihana, kun oot käynyt lukemassa!
      Terveisiä sinne kovasti, täällä kaikki hyvin!
      Jatkoa seuraa, kohta lähdetään eteenpäin!
      <3 Eeva
