sunnuntai 21. huhtikuuta 2013

Beautiful weekend!

It's official: spring is here!
There's hardly any snow left in the streets and the sun is shining big! This is great!

I went for a morning walk, it was so beautiful! Birds are singing like crazy and the ice is melting fast!
My mind has been full of work for next week but there's always time to stop for a while and do something that brightens up your mind!

This is from Friday night!
We had a fantastic evening filled with beautiful music by Anna-Mari Kähärä. She'd composed songs to L. Onerva's lyrics, and four beautiful ladies on stage charmed us and the sold-out audience completely!
I demand more concerts like this!
Such an intimate space, a small theatre, a wonderful lecture by one of my favourite writers, Anna Kortelainen, who told us an inspiring story about Onerva, one of the strongest women of her time. The poems are beautiful, touching and still very today, and they turned even more meaningful with the music. It was wonderful, a million times thank you!!

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